
Order history


Targets visitors based on their previous purchase history. This filter allows for advanced segmentation based on how often and what kind of purchases they've made.


  • Condition
    • At least
    • Exactly
    • Less
  • Count - the number of orders that should have occurred to meet the criteria.
  • Value/items condition
    • Of any value - No restriction on the total value of the orders.
    • With value of at least - Orders must sum up to a minimum specified value.
    • With value of less - Orders must sum up to less than a specified value.
    • Containing any of the specific items - Visitors have ordered specific items from your catalog.
  • Order items (if the "containing any of the specific items" value condition is selected) - the product tems that were part of the filtered orders.
  • Time interval/date condition (optional)
    • In the last - The number of days in the past during which the interactions should have occurred.
    • On or after - A specific date from which the interactions must have occurred.
    • Before - A specific date before which the interactions must have occurred.
  • Time interval/date - Number of days or a specific date.

Use cases

  1. Loyal customer rewards - Target customers who have placed multiple orders over time with special loyalty rewards or exclusive offers.
  2. Product-specific offers - Create widgets for customers who have purchased certain items, suggesting complementary products or accessories.
  3. High-value customer segmentation - Target customers who have spent a significant amount with your business for premium offers.


The historical cutoff point for this filter is the moment the app was installed, and it cannot infer older data. For Shopify though, Personizely will be able to filter based on historical data if the customer is logged into his account on the store website.

This trigger is only available for Shopify & Wix users now.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to the 'Targets' section within the Personizely dashboard.
  2. Click "Create target" and name it.
  3. Select 'Add Filter' and choose 'Order History'.
  4. Start by picking the order frequency condition (At least, Exactly, Less).
  5. Choose the order value condition and specify the value, if applicable.
  6. For specific item targeting, select items from the dropdown list.
  7. Optionally, set a time frame for the orders based on days or specific dates.
  8. Save the filter settings. The Target is now ready to be used in your Widgets and Campaigns.