
Cart items


Target visitors based on the items present in their shopping cart. Recognizing the specific items or combination of items a visitor has in their cart allows for deeper personalization strategies, enhancing the chance for conversion, upselling opportunities, and creating a tailored shopping experience.


  1. Condition
    • All of - Targets visitors who have all of the specified products in their cart.
    • None of - Targets visitors who do not have any of the specified products in their cart.
    • Any of - Targets visitors who have at least one of the specified products in their cart.
  2. Products - a list of products that should be present in the cart or not based on the selected condition.

Use cases

  1. Product bundle recommendations - If a visitor has "Product A" in their cart and the campaign targets those with "Any of" condition for "Product A", recommend "Product B" which pairs well with it.
  2. Exclusivity offers - For visitors with high-end products in their cart (selected via the dropdown), present them with exclusive offers or complementary products.
  3. Avoid redundancy - Using the "None of" condition, ensure that visitors who already have a promotional item in their cart aren't shown the same promotion again.
  4. Mixed product promotions - If aiming for a promotion that requires a combination of products (e.g., a shirt and trousers), use the "All of" condition to identify visitors with both items and offer a combo deal.

How to use

  1. Navigate to the 'Targets' section of the Personizely dashboard.
  2. Click "Create target" and name it.
  3. Choose 'Add Filter' and then select 'Cart Items'.
  4. Begin with the condition selection—choose from "All of", "None of", or "Any of".
  5. Based on the chosen condition, pick relevant products from the dropdown menu.
  6. Confirm and save the filter. You can now use the new target in your widgets.

This trigger is only available for Shopify & Wix users now.

Updated 25 Mar 2024
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