
Entry page


Target visitors based on the first page they visit on your website, during their initial session. The entry page data is stored by Personizely and is available across all sessions. Customizing interactions based on the entry page can help better identify user intent.


  1. Condition
    • Is - The entry page URL matches the specified string.
    • Is not - The entry page URL doesn't match the specified string.
    • Contains - The entry page URL includes the specified string.
    • Does not contain - The entry page URL doesn't include the specified string.
    • Is empty - There is no entry page URL
    • Is not empty - Any entry page URL is detected.
  2. Value - the path value according to the selected condition. Only specify the path part starting with /.

Use Cases

  1. Welcome campaigns - Trigger a welcome message or special offer when a user lands on your homepage or a specific promotional page.
  2. Category interest - If the first page a visitor lands on is a product category, use the Contains condition to show more products from that category or provide specific offers.
  3. Exclusive campaigns - By running email or ad campaigns, display exclusive or promotional offers.

How to Use

  1. Go to the Targets section within the Personizely dashboard.
  2. Click "Create target" and name it.
  3. Click 'Add Filter' and select 'Entry Page'.
  4. Choose the relevant condition to match your visitors' entry page.
  5. Input the specific value or string to compare against the entry page URL.
  6. Save the filter. You can now use it in your widgets & campaigns.

Updated 10 Nov 2023
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