


Target visitors based on standard fields or user-created custom field values. This powerful tool is ideal for personalizing the experience and ensuring that your messages are relevant to each individual visitor.


The fields filter can include several field conditions. In case multiple field conditions are selected - the filter will match visitors for whom all of the conditions match.

  1. Field - a default or a user-created custom field.
  2. Condition
    • Is - The field value must exactly match the specified value.
    • Is not - The field value does not match the specified value.
    • Is empty - The field value is empty.
    • Is not empty - The field has any value.
    • Contains - The field contains the specified value (only available for text fields).
    • Does not contain - The field value does not contain the specified value (only available for text fields).
    • Is checked - The field value is true (only available for checkbox fields).
    • Is not checked - The field value is false (only available for checkbox fields).
    • Is higher than - The field value is higher than the provided value (only available for numeric fields).
    • Is lower than - The field value is lower than the provided value (only available for numeric fields).
  3. Value - the value to compare against the field value based on the condition.

Use Cases

  1. Exclusive offers - Utilize custom field data like "preferred product category" for tailored promotions.
  2. Age-specific offers - By using the Birthdate Field, display widgets for 18+ customers
  3. Birthday exclusives - By using the Birthdate Field, display exclusive offers on the customer's birthday or proximity of it.
  4. Interest-specific personalization - Personalize the website based on the answers provided via forms and surveys.

How to Use

  1. Go to the "Targets" section in your Personizely dashboard.
  2. Click "Create target" and name it.
  3. Select 'Add Filter' and choose 'Fields'.
  4. Pick a field to target.
  5. Select the appropriate condition for your filter.
  6. Type or select the value that the field should be evaluated against.
  7. Save the filter. It is now ready to be used in your widgets & campaigns.

Updated 10 Nov 2023
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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