


Target visitors based on their geographical location. This information is inferred from the IP address of the visitors and matched against a constantly updated GeoIP database.


The location filter allows targeting visitors based on their geolocation. The filter will match visitors who match at least one of the selected locations. There are several levels of granularity available:

  1. Country
  2. Region/State
  3. City
  4. Postal code - these can be added by providing the raw value and selecting the "Add as postal code" option. They can also be mass-imported using a CSV file.

Use Cases

  1. Localized promotions - Use the location filter to show promotions or deals that are specific to a certain geographic region. This is useful for retail chains with different offers in different locales.
  2. Legal compliance - For businesses operating in multiple countries, use the location filter to display content that aligns with local laws and regulations, such as age restrictions or legal disclaimers.
  3. Shipping information - Tailor shipping details and costs based on the visitor's geographic location.
  4. Seasonal or event-based campaigns - During local or national holidays or events, use the Location filter to present related products, offers, or content. For example, showing winter clothing to visitors from colder regions.
  5. Local business hours - Display customer service or store hours based on the visitor's local time zone, enhancing the overall user experience and expectations.
  6. Exclusivity by geography - Some products or services may only be available in certain locations. Use this filter to show or hide these based on the visitor's location.

How to Use

  1. Go to the 'Targeting' section in the Personizely dashboard.
  2. Click "Create target" and name it.
  3. Select 'Add Filter' and choose 'Location'.
  4. Specify the geographical location(s): Country, Region/State, or City name.
  5. Save the filter. It's now ready to be applied in the widgets & campaigns.


  • The accuracy of location-based targeting depends on the IP address data. Some users may use VPNs or other tools that can alter perceived location.

Updated 10 Nov 2023
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